An award-winning docu-series on the metabolic theory of cancer and associated therapies.

Only Episode 1 is available at this time. Brad is working hard on Episode 2 now. The footage for all episodes has been filmed and are pending editing, graphics, legal, etc. Your donation helps fund these activities. You can read a summary of the upcoming episodes below.


About the Series

CANCER/EVOLUTION relates advances in cancer research from the 1920s to the present as told by the original researchers, their biographers and contemporaries.

In a world shaped by an ever-changing swirl of social and political influences – from Nazism to corporate profits – our protagonists remain dedicated to advancing human understanding of cancer.

There are no individual villains in this story. Nevertheless, there is danger posed by systemic forces that would solidify failing theories into dogma.

Episode 1: The Dustbin of History

Dr. Otto Warburg, an arrogant gay Jewish German under aegis of the Nazi regime, is arguably the greatest biochemmist of the 20th century. His discoveries are the foundation for the metabolic theory of cancer but were disregarded as his reputation declined and scientific interest focused on DNA.

Episode 2: Opening the Floodgates
In the 1980s, Dr. Pete Pedersen revisited Warburg’s theories and performed a series of experiments that further indicated that cancer originates from a dysfunction of the cellular mitochondria, not the DNA.
Episode 3: New Research & Researchers

Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried synthesized and updated decades of reproducible but discarded research supporting the metabolic theory in his 2012 book Cancer as a Metabolic Disease. His work has launched a flood of new research and therapies. 

Episode 4: A New Hope

The final episode of the series follows the oncologists and licensed practitioners leveraging new scientific theories to achieve real-world results.

The series will crescendo into a powerful montage of published case study subjects and other vetted survivors who have far outlived their prognoses and improved their quality of life using safe, low cost metabolic therapies including fasting, a therapeutic ketogenic diet, and off-label pharmaceuticals.

Bonus Episode: The Evolution of Cancer

Dr. Paul Davies, legendary astrophysicist who has authored over 20 books on quantum physics, was commissioned by the National Cancer Institute to develop an “outside the box” perspective on cancer. His atavistic, or evolutionary, model of cancer supports the metabolic theory.

Expert Cast

Sam Apple

Sam Apple

Science journalist and author of Ravenous: Otto Warburg, the Nazis, and the Search for the Cancer-Diet Connection.

Travis Christofferson

Travis Christofferson

Science journalist, author of Tripping over the Truth, and founder of the Foundation for Metabolic Cancer Therapies.


Paul Davies, PhD

Quantum physicist, director of Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science, and co-originator of the atavistic model of cancer.

Dr. Tomas Duraj

Tomás Duraj, PhD, MD

Physician and cancer researcher at Boston College.

Jason Fung, MD

Jason Fung, MD

Physician and author of The Cancer Code.


Nutritionist and author of Keto for Cancer.

Jess Higgins Kelley


Founder and director of the Oncology Nutrition Institute; co-author of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer.

Dr. Valter Longo

Valter Longo, PhD

Professor and researcher at USC; author of The Longevity Diet and Fasting Cancer.

Dr. Charles Meakin

Charles J Meakin, MD

Oncologist and founder of

Purna Muhkerjee

Purna Mukherjee, PhD

Cancer researcher at Boston College.

Dr. Angela Poff

Angela Poff, PHD

Cancer researcher at University of Southern Florida and co-founder of the Metabolic Health Initiative.

Adrianne C Scheck, PhD

Senior research scientist at University of Arizona College of Medicine.

Dr. Thomas Seyfried

Thomas N Seyfried, PhD

Cancer researcher at Boston Colloge and author of Cancer as a Metabolic Disease.

Dr. Robert Weinberg

Robert Weinberg, PhD

Discoverer of the first human oncogene and tumor suppressor gene, founder of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, and co-author of "The Hallmarks of Cancer."

Nasha Winters

Nasha Winters, ND

Physician, 30+-year stage 4 cancer thriver, and author of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer.

Production Stills

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