Meet the Team
Key Creative

Director & Producer
Maggie Jones is a stage 4 cancer thriver who credits metabolic therapies, along with conventional treatment, with miraculously prolonging her life, which she has now dedicated to raising awareness of metabolic therapies.
She has over 20 years of media experience, most recently as Vice President of Newsroom Systems for South China Morning Post and Vice President of Product for Tribune Publishing and the Los Angeles Times.

Director, Writer, Editor & Producer
Brad Jones has over 20 years of editing experience and has worked on everything from a Peabody Award-winning documentary to the highest-rated shows ever on MTV and CMT.
He spent over a decade working at the Sundance Film Festival and Institute.

3D Animation
Thiem is Creative Director and Partner at Capacity Studios creating world-class animations for the biggest names in the gaming industry. Many thanks to him for the gift of his custom, eerily beautiful cancer animations.
Executive Producing Team

JIM ABRAHAMS, Executive Producer
Jim Abrahams co-wrote, directed and produced movies such as Airplane! (for which he was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Screenplay), Top Secret! and The Naked Gun series. He is the creator and executive producer of Police Squad! and directed such films as Big Business, Hot Shots!, First Do No Harm, and the documentary An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet. He is the founder of the Charlie Foundation for Ketogenic Therapies.
AMANDA ATKINS, Co-Executive Producer
After her own health journey, Atkins created Afinia Films which supports creative storytelling at the intersection of nutrition and health. Documentaries include Fat Fiction, Fat: a Documentary, Sacred Cow and Food Lies. She is a founding member of the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners.
Cisneros is a writer and philanthropist currently based in Miami. He is a board member of the Cisneros Children Foundation (CCF), a foundation which provides financial and technical assistance to children’s organizations in the United States and Latin America.
Contributing Producers
Individual Supporters
We couldn't have done it without you!
Made Possible with Support from...
Jaclyn Berke
Dr. Véronique Desaulniers
Limor Goren
Rob Harol
Brian Hendriks
Mary & Keith Hendriks
Rosanne Hong
Shirley Horn
Bruce Jones
Marissa Jones
Jon & Annett Lehan
Gary Long
John & Mary Long
David Kraxberger
Nathan Kraxberger
Declan Monaghan
In memory of Regina Ruport
Christy Schaefer
Matt & Ana von Waaden
Carla Vass
Dino Zarafonitis
Melissa Alexander
Hussain Ali-Khan
Marie-Anne Archambault-Grenier
Jill Bailey
Jess Barron
Pierre Beaulnes
Tony Berns
Theodore Beke
Jon Blando
Douglas Bloom
Gregory Boudewijn
Aram Brazilian
Eli Bromley
Carolina Brown
Carl Camera
Cassandra Campbell
Mark Campbell
Nick Campbell
Julie J Campistron
ML Caring
Nolin Chatterjee
Kim Chinn
Travis Christofferson
Michael Ciarochi
Drew Clayton
John Covington
John Cox
Dave Cutherell
Greg D’Auria
Sofia Deloudi
Philip Dixon
Lynné Doran
C. Fairchild
Paul Ferguson
Timothy Fisk
Oren T Fisk
Katherine Flint
Allison Franklin
Curtis P. Fritsch III
Curtis Fritsch IV
Jo Fusco
Christopher George Harlan
Ben Gerst
Kimberly Gibson
Eran Glicksman
Karl Gollnast
Wilbur Han
Charles A Hiller, Jr.
Rachel Horn
Shirley Horn
Ron and Cheryl Imken
Ida Johnsson
Tish Jones
Michael Keaveney
Monique Kebbe
Cynthia Kobbe
Charlie Kimbrell
Vignesh Krishnan
Noemi M Lazo
Maria Leggio
Scott Lehr
Paul Lively
Lynda Long
Daniel Loyd
Garineh Magarian
Steve Mak
Gregory Marcus
Ronald & Lois Marcus
Christianne Mares
David Michael Maurer
Nathan McGowan
Julie McNamara
Danielle Mead
Brock Meltzer
Micah Miller
Sian Mills
Alice Mioni
David Mojica
Tim Morrow
Cynthia Muthyala
Valerie Natrella
Howard Newkirk
RJ Niknami
Daniel O’Keefe
Robin Otto
Tarini Pal
Katharine Parkinson
Nova Patel
Romy Pritchard
Tammy Pope
Denise Potter
Kevin Pugh
Robert Rathgeber
Jessica Raymondjack
Nancy Robertson
Michelle Rojas
Kelly Roy
Jenn Sampson
Alicia Sandberg
Gulseren Sariucak
Jason Schatz
Annika Schimmer
Mary Manning Schumacher
Candace Selph
Dianne Seppelfrick
Frank Shotwell
Wendy Shuey
Happy Sohi
Brian Springer
Aeona Staley
Christopher Strimbu
John Stone
Macy Summers
Steven Swanson
Varun R Thakur
Anthony Tisdale
Linda Towner
Wen Tseng
Nonna Ulyanova
Serenda J. L. Valdez
Anne Vasquez
Peter Villa
Raquel Villarreal Montemayor
Kristoffer von Bonsdorff
Matthew von Waaden
Jennifer Warden
Curtis Williams
Rick Williams
Kristopher Wilson
Corey Wong
Jon & Monica Wooton
Sarah Yaggi
Maren Ziobrowski
Successful Keto Lifestyle
Joe Adamo
Carmen Aguado
Monica Ahrens
Darren Alvarez
Leslie Bell
Joseph Andrew Berkowski
Emanuel Bilc
Ariana Birnbaum
Brigg Bloomquist
H. Charley Bodkin
Gerard Brancato
Angela Brown
Josh Burns
Serena Burton
Todd Cahalan
Constantin Câmpean
Idalmy Carrera-Colucci
Pamela Cavanagh
Gaille Chua
Jennifer Ciminillo
Charles Coleman
Bobbi Conway
Terry Coopey
Chelsea Cullen
Alex Czech
Jason Darfus
James Davis
Rose De Vries
Carl DeGrazio
Christine Diaz
Rob Dionne
Lynné Doran
Suzanne Eddy
Melanie Evers
Ann K Fairey
Christine Fleming
Timothy Fisk
Andrea Fox
Allison Franklin
Francine M Freeman
Hollie Galloway
Lindsay Gates
Kurt Gessler
K Goff
Cynthia Gooch
Micah Gourley
William Green
Lisa A. Guillory
Mark Hapner
Kerry Harding
Ian Haufrect
Idris Hernandez
Hinds Family
William E Hill III
Norma Huibregtse
David Hutchinson
Christine Ishimine
Dave Jackson
Dawn Ann Jameson
Tony Jessup
Jane Jewell
Casey Jones
Phoebe Judd
Robert Keller
Jessica Kelley
Karen Kelly
Sharon Kipfer
Kelly Kuchar
Cordelle LaRoche
Jean-Pierre Le Goaller
Bridget Leon
Brona Leroux
Victor Lim
Rob Lu
Elizabeth MacDowell
Susie McCulloch
Sarah C McDevitt
Johan Mengesha
Mary Jane Mihajlovic
Witold Misztal
Brenda Moffitt
T. A. Moore
Amy Morrison
Inge O Nilsen-Nygaard
Ed Olinger
Ido Ophir
Philip Ovadia
Elizabeth Palmer-Bigler
Dena Park
Strum Perfect
Leslie Pollock
Susan Proctor
Diana Quach
Jeremy Reed
MargaretAnn Reeves
Ken Reid
Susan Sammon
Henrik Sandström
Ken Saunders
Eli Schiff
Annika Schimmer
Candace Selph
George Separovich
Joanna Shinault
Bahia Shortlidge
Clive Smith
Curtis Smith
Leah Soltar
Stephanie Sommers
Peggy Stevens
Noelle Stransky
Brittony Swiedler
Mineharu Takahara
Jonathan Taws
Jonathan Taws
Chrissy Wolfram Taylor
Elizabeth Tillman
Pavan Tirupati
David Tomlinson
Michael Tremblay, D.O.
Trephaena Twaddell
Dustin Usher
Luca Valente
Jen W
Bean Walker
Trisha Walls
Owen Ward
Bryan Mark Wilde
Eri Wilson
Wendy J Winquist
Ariana Winder
Michael W. Wood
Sarah Yaggi