The first virtual conference dedicated to metabolic, lifestyle, and nutritional therapies for cancer prevention and treatment.
About the Summit
The series explains the evergreen "why" of metabolic cancer therapies. At the summit, world-renown researchers and practitioners present the cutting-edge "how."
We're working to make these on demand soon.
Speakers & Panelists

Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried, PhD
Professor at Boston College and Author of Cancer as a Metabolic Disease.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD
Stem Cell Biologist, Author of The Biology of Belief, and Recipient of the Goi Peace Award.

Dr. William Li, MD
Physician, Scientist and Bestselling Author of Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself.

Dr. Wafaa Abdel-Hadi, MD
Functional Medicine Clinical Oncologist and the Founder of the AWARE clinic.

L.J. Amaral, MS, RD, CSO
Clinical and Research Dietitian specializing in Oncology at Cedars-Sinai.

Catharine Arnston
Founder And CEO Of ENERGYbits.

Ben Azadi, FDN-P
Author of four best-selling books and Founder of Keto Kamp, bringing awareness to ancient healing strategies.

Travis Christofferson, MS
Author of Tripping Over the Truth, Curable, and Ketones: The Fourth Fuel. Founder of the Foundation for Metabolic Cancer Therapies.

Rob Besner, PSc.D.
A Professor for the World Federation of Infrared Medicine Societies, Chief Science Officer and Co-founder of Therasage.

Dr. Zsófia Clemens, PhD
Neurobiologist and Clinical Researcher specialized in nutrition, nutritional therapy and brain research.

Liz Curran, MS
Co-Director Radical Remission Project

Patricia Daly, MSc
Registered Nutritional Therapist and co-author of The Ketogenic Kitchen

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC
Author of Heal Breast Cancer Naturally and Breast Cancer Thriver.

Dr. Tomás Duraj, MD, PhD
Physician and Doctorate in Translational Medicine, Researcher at Dr. Seyfried's laboratory.

Alison Gannett, ICAN, ANA, CKNS
Owner and Founder of Alison’s AntiCancer Personalized Nutrition™, Alison’s AntiCancer 28-day DIY Repair and Reset, and Alison’s AntiCancer Cookbook.

Karla Mans Giroux
Co-Director Radical Remission Project, Holistic Cancer Health Coach, Metastatic Breast Cancer Thriver.

Dr. Limor Goren, PhD
Cancer Researcher, molecular biologist and Founder of the high-phenolic olive oil company kyoord.

Dorian Greenow
Founder of Keto-Mojo.

Dr. Mark Hancock, MD, MPH
Founder of Humanizing Medicine; Co-Author of Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology.

Dr. Jethro Hu, MD
Oncologist and Neurologist at Cedars-Sinai.

Dr. Stephen Hussey, MS, DC
Author of The Health Evolution and Understanding The Heart.

Miriam Kalamian, MS, CNS
Nutritionist and Author of Keto for Cancer.

Jess Kelley, MNT, ONC
Founder and Director of the Oncology Nutrition Institute; Co-Author of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer.

Dr. Valter Longo, PhD
Director of the Longevity and Cancer Program at the IFOM Institute and Author of The Longevity Diet and Fasting Cancer.

Jane McLelland, Grad Dip Phys
Author of How to Starve Cancer and stage 4 cancer thriver.

Dr. Charles J. Meakin, MD
Founder of, former Medical Director of CaroMont Health and Care Oncology Clinic.

Ivelisse Page
Co-founder of Believe Big and stage 4 colon cancer thriver.

Dr. Satchin Panda, PhD
Professor in the Regulatory Biology Laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.

Dr. Mindy Pelz, DC
Nutrition and functional medicine expert; Author of Fast Like a Girl.

Dr. Matthew C.L. Phillips, MD
Metabolic neurologist committed to exploring metabolic strategies as potential therapies.

Denise Potter, RDN, CDCES
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist focused on Ketogenic Medical Nutrition Therapy.

Sarona Rameka
Published case study, Stage 4 thymoma thriver and Founder of

Dr. Adrienne C. Scheck, PhD
Senior Research Scientist at University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix.

Nelofer Syed, PhD
Molecular neuro-oncology research specializing in brain tumor biology, genetics and epigenetics.

Martha Tettenborn, RD
Author of Hacking Chemo and Ovarian Cancer Thriver.

Dr. Matthew Vander Heiden, MD, PhD
Director of the Koch Institute at MIT, Lester Wolfe (1919) Professor of Molecular Biology.

Dr. Kien Vuu, MD
Best-selling author of Thrive State and Founder of VuuMD Performance and Longevity.

Dr. Michael H. Weber, MD
President of the International Society for Medical Laser Applications .

Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO
Director of the Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health, Co-Author of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, and stage 4 cancer thriver.

Dr. Sajad Zalzala, MD
Co-founder of AgelessRX and expert in LDN and Rapamycin.
Day 1
Brad and Maggie Jones
Conference Welcome

Liz Curran & Karla Mans Giraux
Radical Remission: Applying the 10 Healing Factors

Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD
DNA Is Not Your Destiny

Dr. Thomas Seyfried, PhD
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease
Metabolic Theory Deep Dive Live Panel
Live Q&A wth Dr. Thomas Seyfried, Dr. Tomas Duraj & Travis Christofferson
Day 2

Dr. Matthew CL Phillips, MD
Metabolic Therapy In Cancer... The How, The Why, The Way

Dr. Mindy Pelz, DC
Critical Fasting Hacks Every Woman Needs to Know

Dr. Valter Longo, PhD
Fasting & the Fasting Mimicking Diet

Dr. Satchin Panda, PhD
Circadian Rhythm and Time-Restricted Eating are Foundations for Healthy Longevity
Expert Therapeutic Fasting & Timing Eating Live Panel
Live Q&A with Dr. Matthew Phillips, Dr. Mindy Pelz, Dr. Valter Longo & Dr. Satchin Panda

Catharine Arnston
Algae: The Possible Solution for Wellness without Cancer

Ben Azadi, FDN-P
Burning Fat is our Birthright

Dorian Greenow
Ketone & Glucose Blood Testing
Day 3

Chair Yoga

Dr. Adrienne C. Scheck, PhD
Therapeutic Ketosis for Adjuvant Treatment

LJ Amaral, MS, RD
Leveraging Metabolic Therapy for Cancer

Dr. Jethro Hu, MD
The Ketogenic Diet for Brain Cancer Patients: A phase 1 trial and beyond...

Denise Potter, RDN
Glioblastoma Multiforme Case Report

Martha Tettenborn, RD
The K.I.C.K.A.S.S. Approach to Journeying through Cancer

Patricia Daly, MSc
My Metabolic Journey Over the Past 15 Years

Jess Kelley, MNT, ONC
Nutrition and the Hallmarks of Cancer
Keto for Cancer Live Panel
Live Q&A with Miriam Kalamian, Martha Tettenborn, Denise Potter & Patricia Daly

Alison Gannett, ICAN, ANA, CKNS
Personalized AntiCancer Nutrition

Jane McLelland, Grad Dip Phys
How to Starve Cancer
Day 4


Ivelisse Page
Believe Big: Hope and Healing for Cancer

Dr. Mark Hancock, MD
An Introduction to Mistletoe
Mistletoe Live Panel
Live Q&A with Dr. Nasha Winters & Dr. Mark Hancock.

Dr. Sajad Zalzala, MD
LDN and Other Off-Label Drugs for Cancer: A Primary Care Perspective
Off-label Drugs Live Panel
Live Q&A with Dr. Chuck Meakin, Dr. Sajad Zalzal & Jane McLelland

Dr. Michael H. Weber, MD
New Developments in Photodynamic and Sonodynamic Cancer Therapy

Dr. Stephen Hussey MS, DC
Why Cancer of the Heart is So Rare: The Quantum Heart

Robby Besner, PSc.D,
Bio Hack Back to Good Health: Nature is our Primary Healer
Day 5


Dr. William Li, MD
Metabolism, Food as Medicine, and Cancer

Dr. Matthew Vander Heiden, MD, PhD
Diet, Metabolism, and Cancer

Dr. Nasha Winters, ND
Metabolic Oncology: Hope on the Horizon

Dr. Limor Goren, PhD
Anti-Cancer Efects of Olive Oil Phenolics and Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Dr. Wafaa Abdel-Hadi, MD
Addressing Tumor Microenvironment to Control Cancer Development and Progression
Thymoma Live Panel
Live Q&A with Sarona Rameka, Owen Hemsath &
Kali Moynihan

Dr. Veronique Desauliers, DC
Survive & Thrive: Conquering Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Evidence-Based Natural Medicine
Breast & Ovarian Cancer Live Panel
Live Q&A with Dr. Veronique Desauliers, Martha Tettenborn 7 Bree Stilwell
Day 6

Dr. Zsófia Clemens, PhD
Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet for Cancer

Dr. Nelofer Syed, PhD
Emerging Metabolic Therapies for Glioblastoma

Dr. Tomas Duraj, MD, PhD
Pt 1: Metabolically Supported Oncology Care: From Theory to Clinical Application
Brain Tumor Live Panel
Live Q&A with Maggie Jones, Pablo Kelly, Brian Godwaski & Alison Gannett

Dr. Tomas Duraj, MD, PhD
Pt 2: Metabolically Supported Oncology Care: From Theory to Clinical Application

Dr. Kien Vuu, MD
Healing from Within: Awakening to the Beauty of Life
Dr. Tomás Duraj will answer any final question on his presentation, metabolic treatment, and press-pulse therapy.
Farewell and Prize drawing
Our Mission
Hear Maggie’s story and the origin of the CANCER/EVOLUTION series, summit and origin.