Summit Replay FAQ and Refund Policy

What's the difference between the live summit and the replay?

The live summit took place September 21-26. There are a few differences you’ll notice watching the replay:

  • Most obviously, the replay isn’t live so you won’t be able to ask questions during the panels.
  • While the live event was held over 6 days with scheduling dependent on the speakers’ availability, the replay groups presentations and panels into 9 related modules.
  • The live event DID NOT include the ability to download slides. The replay includes the ability to download the slides as a PDF.
  • The replay doesn’t include Maggie’s mindfulness exercises and daily summit wrap-ups. You’re not missing much.

How long will I have access to the summit recordings?

You will be able to stream the summit recordings for 90 days from the time of registration. 

It’s not possible to extend this period with the platform we’re using. Do not purchase if you won’t be able to watch everything you want to watch in the 90 day period.

Can I watch the replay on mobile?

Yes, but… You are responsible for your mobile data. The replay includes over 45 hours of high quality video. Please be mindful of your data plan as we are not responsible for any overages. 

Is the replay available worldwide?

We use Vimeo to stream the replay so it is not available in countries that block Vimeo (without a VPN). These included China (excluding Hong Kong), Cuba, Indonesia, Iran, North Korea.

Can I get a refund?

Purchase of the summit replay is non-refundable.  We learned our lesson the hard way.

Revolution Foundation is nonprofit. That is, we make no profit and your donation pays for the costs of offering this event.  Any refund would come out of our own pocket and, after giving everything we have to this project while living off Maggie’s disability, there is nothing left in our pockets.

Why can't I register?

If you previously registered “in error” or filed a claim that a previous donation was fraudulent, you will be prevented from registering for any future event to ensure there is no similar error or fraud in the future.

As noted above, we sadly can’t afford to pay for people to join the summit for free. I wish we could but holding this event is very expensive and we’re deeply in the hole from chargebacks. This event is nonprofit, Brad and Maggie don’t see any money from offering this event, and we are poor.

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