How to Starve Cancer …without starving yourself: The Discovery of a Metabolic Cocktail That Could Transform the Lives of Millions by Jane Mclelland



A modern-day ‘Cancer Sherlock Holmes’, Jane discovered that a cancer-starving diet, powerful supplements and a handful of old, forgotten, low-toxicity drugs, when taken together, acted synergistically, magnifying each of their anti-cancer effects many times. Like magic, her terminal cancer just melted away.

In this truly ground-breaking book, Jane takes us through her remarkable, heart-breaking journey, and the medical discoveries she made on the way. Using herself as a human guinea pig, she worked out the best drugs and supplements to starve her own cancer in an easy-to-follow ‘Metro Map’. She has expanded this route map to show which fuel pipelines you need to block for every type of cancer, so you too can create your own cancer-starving cocktail. Tragically many simple old drugs have been overlooked in the race for the latest patentable ‘game changers’. Is the answer already out there? Jane believes it is. Bit by bit she has pieced the puzzle together, demystified its complexity, and produced a simple protocol.

What amazes me most about Jane isn’t even that she discovered the metabolic pathways of cancer on her own – it’s that she did it before the internet!

The information she compiles in this book around the various ways cancer can fuel itself and available therapies to block those metabolic pathways is absolutely priceless. It was through this book that I discovered the metabolic protocol that I believe tipped me into remission.

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